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Pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry

The first moment of maternal neonatal dentistry starts during pregnancy teaching and guiding future parents on matters regarding their baby's oral cavities.

Children’s first dental appointment should be within months of their birth. In this appointment, dentists guide parents regarding hazardous habits that they must control like finger sucking, the use of a pacifier, and prolonged bottle-feeding in the day or at night. Likewise, they explain oral hygiene, and how to introduce a healthy diet that will favor the development of the maxillaries, among other forms of care. In the first infancy, tooth decay is a risk factor for deciduous teeth. Therefore, it is very important for parents to know risk factors in the event they arise, and how to prevent them.

Assessment is very important to see dilution, mastication and restoration processes to diagnose early the various pathologies which may arise.

Afterwards, children must visit a pediatric dentist every six months so that they may become familiar with the dental environment, and thus, adopt to undergoing check-ups calmly so that there may be suitable monitoring depending on a given case.

Frequently asked questions

How can I relieve a baby's discomfort while teething?

Teething does not always cause discomfort in babies. It is almost always manifested by pain and inflammation which can be relieved with good oral hygiene to avoid it from getting worse or the use of local anesthesia before feeding babies. Do not give them very hot, salted or spicy food. Use teething rings that can be refrigerated a little so that they may feel relief.

What can parents do to make the teething stage less traumatic?

Parents must brush their children's teeth 3 times a day, avoid their intake of liquid or food at night, avoid their eating too much candy, controlling their habits like finger-sucking, tongue-sucking, lip-sucking, blanket-sucking or pacifier sucking, etc.), and of course taking them to a dentist.